our donation can be sent by check or bank transfer.
my zalle: haimfi@gmial.com
The Internal Revenue Service has awarded Chesed Umarpeh tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code therefore donations are deductible for purposes of U.S. Income tax when made through the American Friends of Kindness and Charity.
For a U.S. income tax deduction your contribution can be made by check payable to:
American Friends of Kindness and Charity
C/O Rabbi Hirschberg
405 Av F
Brooklyn, NY 11218
or you may send a check payable to Chesed Umarpeh to our office:
Chesed Umarpeh
8 Nordau st
7610604 Rehovot
If you are making a bank transfer from outside of Israel the transfer should be made directly to the following Chesed Umarpeh bank account:
Account no. 409845191
First International Bank
IBAN code: IL260310-290-000-000-845191
wiring number: 021000021
Branch 29
188 Herzl St