Chesed Umarpeh Organization

Getting Help When You Need It

We at “Chesed Umarpeh” are interested in providing the best personal service,gardless of race, religion or nationality With the aim of improving and the well-being of the individual.

Our Organization

The original Chesed Umarpeh Organization, founded over 30 years ago, was dedicated to providing support to the needy elderly in Israel. Over the years, we have expanded the scope of our activity to assist many other segments of the population in need.

Maran Harav Kook zatz``l chif rabbi of Rehovot about the charity and healing

Chesed UMarpeh’s work is made possible thanks to contributions. Most of the donations assistance and professional advice are realized through the goodwill generosity of private individuals. The organization is dependent  upon  volunteers in a variety of fields.

We welcome professionals who are willing to donate their time and money.
Currently missing.

  • Lawyers
  • Doctors
  • Social workers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Drivers

Anyone wishing to donate their talents and work to take even a small part of the aid project is invited to contact the offices of “Chesed UMarpeh” Financial assistance is a tax-deductible under section 5/1C of the law.

Do you have any questions?

We look forward to answering

Yes, the service is free for all who really need it. “Chesed Umarpeh” is a nonprofit organization that does everything in its power to help people who need help.

You do not need permits from welfare

Your information is 100% confidential

Need help? contact us

We will be happy to help anyone who needs help